Oct 16, 2021
I finished Squid Game before bed yesterday and ended up tossing and turning all night trying to make sense of it. It was a crazy, anxiety-inducing ride, and though I had fun watching it, the women characters are abysmal. ***Spoiler Alert*** I really enjoyed Squid...
Mar 22, 2020
This is a working list of movies about journalists or journalism or in some cases, movies that just have journalists as main characters. Some of these are true stories or loosely based on truth; others are pure fiction. Many are serious, informative and inspirational;...
Dec 6, 2016
We had lots of journalism-class discussions about echo chambers, filter bubbles, confirmation bias, hyperpartisan sites and fake news this semester. It has been an interesting end to the year. In all of the above, the finger is being pointed at social media. The sites...
Sep 21, 2016
The Washington Post published an editorial last week saying Obama should not pardon Edward Snowden, as various global groups ramp up their pardon campaign and Oliver Stone’s new movie opens in theatres. (“Snowden,” a fictionalized version of the...
May 18, 2016
Check out Pluto with this new 360/Google Cardboard VR video from The New York Times. They used data from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft that passed the planet last summer. This is exactly what VR should be used for: to transport viewers to a place they can never...