A list of every journalism movie & TV show I can find
This is a working list of movies about journalists or journalism or in some cases, movies that just have journalists as main characters. Some of these are true stories or loosely based on truth; others are pure fiction. Many are serious, informative and inspirational;...
Young Americans don’t evaluate online information
We had lots of journalism-class discussions about echo chambers, filter bubbles, confirmation bias, hyperpartisan sites and fake news this semester. It has been an interesting end to the year. In all of the above, the finger is...
Pardon for Snowden?
The Washington Post published an editorial last week saying Obama should not pardon Edward Snowden, as various global groups ramp up their pardon campaign and Oliver Stone's new movie opens in theatres. ("Snowden," a fictionalized version of the documentary...
And The Panama Papers Continue
Here come more names. Today, May 9, at 2pm EST (that's actually 2am May 10 Hong Kong time) the The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists is going to release a searchable database of more than 200,000 secret offshore companies, including the names of...
The Art of the Tough Interview
This new article in CJR by Gerald Eskenazi on the fine art of reading the moment and asking the right question in an interview starts with Donald Trump and ends with Muhammad Ali. Never thought I'd see those two names in print together. But Eskenazi has the skill to...
The gray zone of plagiarism
by Robin Ewing The Columbia Journalism Review this week published a thoughtful article on plagiarism and the trickiness of defining it in a digital world where "all ideas are secondhand, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources." (That quote...
“Feelings journalism” based on assumptions
An article from the New Republic last week discusses what the author calls “feelings journalism,” which is simply a new way of describing an old kind of writing: assuming we know what another person is thinking and feeling without actually asking. I often see this in...
Social media chats used in jailing of Chinese news assistant
By Robin Ewing The mainland Chinese assistant to a German journalist was arrested in Beijing in October after taking photos at Occupy Central in Hong Kong and posting them to her WeChat account. She is still being held, almost four months later, for "inciting a public...
How to be a Writer by Neil Gaiman
Excellent advice from prolific author Neil Gaiman on the best way to be a writer.
The ‘Bi-literate’ Brain: The Key to Reading in a Sea of Screens
Reading online is keeping us from being able to read books, but it's fixable. How do we get bi-literate brains? Interesting podcast from New Tech City: