Tweets from space
The spacecraft Rosetta and its lander Philae have twitter accounts! This is a good article from Mashable about how scientists are engaging people in the mission to the comet by giving personalities to inanimate objects. Reminds me of Xinhua's Weibo account for the...
Love them or hate them, BTL comments have changed journalism forever
From The Conversation: Reader comments on article have transformed journalism into a conversation but is that conversation worth publishing? One journalists says "I’d say that enabling reader comments is the worst thing to have happened to newspapers since … since the...
The ‘Bi-literate’ Brain: The Key to Reading in a Sea of Screens
Reading online is keeping us from being able to read books, but it's fixable. How do we get bi-literate brains? Interesting podcast from New Tech City:
The Des Moines Register – virtual reality news, video-game style
Harvest of Change: Pretty fascinating new application of technology in storytelling. Will journalism become a video game? Where do we get the headset? And the corresponding Wall Street Journal article here.
State of the News Media 2014
Pew Research Center's Journalism Project: Digital-media jobs are up; local television news is gaining audience though 25 percent of all TV news stations don't create their own programs; and journalists writing ads is on the rise. Just a few of the...