Jan 19, 2016
With a new semester that includes Longform Journalism, I’d thought we’d kick off with a look at the bizarre story that involves Mexico’s biggest drug lord, a famous American actor and, arguably, the US’s biggest pop-culture magazine....
Oct 2, 2015
This new article in CJR by Gerald Eskenazi on the fine art of reading the moment and asking the right question in an interview starts with Donald Trump and ends with Muhammad Ali. Never thought I’d see those two names in print together. But Eskenazi has the...
Mar 3, 2015
by Robin Ewing The Columbia Journalism Review this week published a thoughtful article on plagiarism and the trickiness of defining it in a digital world where “all ideas are secondhand, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources.”...
Feb 1, 2015
By Robin Ewing The mainland Chinese assistant to a German journalist was arrested in Beijing in October after taking photos at Occupy Central in Hong Kong and posting them to her WeChat account. She is still being held, almost four months later, for “inciting a...
Jan 28, 2015
Medium, a blog-publishing platform, has been called (by others and by Medium itself) the “best writing tool on the web.” Anyone can publish and it looks good; “elegant” is the word most often used. If you want to read something that clearly...
Jan 26, 2015
This is the tragic story of jazz singer Billie Holiday and how she was killed, in part, by the man who created the U.S.’s War on Drugs. Though Holiday died in 1959, this article — adapted from a book and published here in Politico Magazine —...